Together, Bill Platt & Di Heuser
Have Published 1,154 Journals
On Amazon In Just 40 Days!
If You Are Serious About Growing
Your Self-Publishing Business,
You Should Seriously Consider
Teaming Up With Proven Performers

In August of 2017, Bill Platt & Di Heuser launched the “Book A Day System” website.

They intended to provide their customers access to a steady supply of new page templates that could be used to design, construct and publish a steady stream of new journals, diaries and planners.

Each month, they would provide their customers new sets of page templates that could be used to create something totally different than what might have been published previously.

They were successful in achieving their goals.

They also taught their subscribers how to systematize the entire process in such a way that any person who committed themselves to this process could produce at least 30 new journals per month.

Then In April of 2018,
Di Heuser Launched Her
Dec 2018 1,000 Book Challenge

Di really had a simple theory…

She had a full eight months to achieve her goal, so she divided 1,000 books by 8 months, which meant that she would need to produce 125 books each calendar month.

With each month containing an average of 30 days, Di knew that in order to reach her goal, she had to publish an average of 4.2 books per day. So Di rounded up, and she committed herself to publishing five journals a day for the remainder of 2018.

Bill approached the challenge from a different angle. He knew that he is always so busy “chasing rabbits” that he could not commit himself to publishing new books every single day.

Instead of committing to daily action, Bill committed himself to producing and publishing as many books as he could in a single day, then to commit several days per month to his task.

At a certain point, Di found herself distracted by other more pressing obligations. She missed several days of production.

Di determined that in order to catch up with her stated goals that she would need to emulate Bill’s approach for a day or two to catch up.

When Di committed herself to doing a lot of books in just a couple days, she was able to produce one month’s worth of books in a single day… She was able to publish a total of 130 journals in just one day.

How The Heck Did These Two People
Pull Off Publishing 1,154 Journals In 40 Days?

Together, Bill and Di averaged publishing 29 new books per day, over the course of 40 days, where they did not work every day.

Although both published their books as individuals, they also worked together as a team, on most days.

As a team, they:

  • Researched the competition;
  • Spent time trying to spot trends;
  • Identified opportunities for new books;
  • Developed publishing strategies;
  • Brainstormed new book ideas;
  • Planned book layouts;
  • Designed internal pages for their books;
  • Compiled book manuscripts;
  • Shared raw book manuscripts with each other;
  • Planned book cover designs;
  • Tested new book descriptions;
  • Tried new book promotion techniques and monitored results;
  • Helped one another to better master the techniques they were using;
  • And much more…

They work together almost daily to streamline the processes involved in publishing journals, diaries and planners, and they work together to help each other become more productive and more successful.

Wouldn’t You Love To Be a Bug On The Wall,
Listening In To Their Private Conversations
& Getting Access To Their Book Manuscripts?

Ordinarily, this would not be possible…

How many book authors do you know that would be willing to tell you what pen names they use to publish books?

How many self-publisher authors are willing to show you their books, and to let you see exactly what makes their books special and attractive to consumers?

In fact, at least three “Book A Day System” customers have published over 2,000 journals each, and they are not sharing their pen names either.

A Number Of People Have Asked Bill & Di
To Give Them Special Access and Attention

After long and careful consideration, Bill and Di have decided to give private, behind-the-scenes access to a limited number of people.

If you decide to join the “Book-A-Day System (BADS) Elite Coaching” program, you will get access to:

  • A private area of our website;
  • A private “BADS Elite Coaching” customers-only Facebook group;
  • Advanced-topic video training;
  • Audio and/or video recordings of private calls between Bill and Di;
  • Insight into our genre research;
  • A preview of what we are researching and testing;
  • Discoveries we think will be important to our publishing business;
  • Publishing strategies we are working ourselves;
  • Book manuscript DOC’s that we share with each other;
  • Discussions about book descriptions and covers;
  • Insight into promotion strategies we are using;
  • And more…

If you ever thought it could be valuable to watch what Bill Platt and Di Heuser do during the course of an average day, you will really appreciate this program.

If you have ever wanted to be able to get your hands on Bill and Di’s raw working files, then you will find that you are absolutely in the right place.

But, This Program Is Not For Everyone

Within the regular “Book A Day System Membership” program, we give our customers access to packages of page templates and some basic training.

Within this program, the “Book A Day System Elite Coaching” program, we go much further, giving our subscribers unprecedented, behind-the-scenes access to our personal publishing businesses.

The “BADS Elite Coaching” program is like having a virtual chair at the table in our board room, and also having virtual access to any desk or computer in our office.

With this program, we will be giving you access to our best research, more advanced training, and our raw book manuscripts in Word DOC format.

As a result, this program is quite a bit more expensive than any of our other offers.

We do offer several subscription options from which you can choose.

You may contact us at any time to stop future subscription payments. We do ask that you give us 24-72 hours advanced notice to cancel your subscription re-bill agreement, ahead of the scheduled re-bill date.

There will be NO REFUNDS with this program, unless you contact us ahead of a scheduled re-bill date and we fail to cancel your agreement prior to the re-bill transaction.

Here Is What You Can Expect Within The
Book-A-Day System Elite Coaching Program

Once you have made your purchase, please send us an email at so we can make sure your membership is properly set up.

Our membership software does not always work as intended, so we manually verify all transactions to make sure everyone who makes a purchase gets the access they were promised.

Once you have access to our membership site, you will find the link to our customers-only “Book-A-Day System Elite Coaching” Facebook group. Most of the information we deliver will be delivered through the customers-only Facebook group.

  • Most of the training will be delivered through the Facebook group, so you can ask questions and we can answer your questions.
  • Most audio and video recordings we provide to you will also be delivered through the customers-only “Book-A-Day System Elite Coaching” Facebook group.
  • Most Word DOC download files will also be delivered through the customers-only “Book-A-Day System Elite Coaching” Facebook group.

Inside our website, we will be setting up “directory pages” that point you directly to the information you will want to find, and those pages will link to the actual information inside the Facebook group.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What will I get with this program that I won’t get with your other programs or Facebook groups?

A1: With this program, you will receive training and research that no one else on the planet is able to receive from us. We will also make available many of our raw book manuscripts in Word DOC format.

With this program, we are attempting to emulate what it would be like for all of our subscribers to have a virtual chair sitting next to Bill or Di in their office, with access to the files that we use to create journals.

With all of our previous offerings, we have always packaged some type of very specific training or a digital resource for retail.

With this offer, you will be getting your hands on the raw research and analysis, and production files, you can use to develop and grow your publishing business.


Q2: Why are you dividing the delivery of this offer on your website and in the Facebook group?

A2: We like Facebook groups for information delivery, because it allows people to ask us questions and for us to answer those questions, in a format that makes the answers available to everyone who is a member of the group.

Fortunately, Facebook also gives us tools to make sure that ONLY our customers have access to the Facebook group assigned to this program.

The number one problem with a Facebook group, however, is how to organize the information in a way that makes it easy to locate. Facebook groups do offer a search function, it allows us to tag information, and it allows us to sort information inside the Files section, but those tools are imperfect.

We are not 100% satisfied with information organization within Facebook, so we are able to use the membership website to highlight specific information we want you to find and to make it easier for you to find much of the information we make available to you.


Q3: Are there any up-sells?

A3: Technically, no.

We do offer “one-on-one coaching,” for those people who want a more personal touch and private answers.

You will find information about our one-on-one coaching, inside our membership area.


Q4: Do I get access to the regular “Book A Day System Membership” when I subscribe to this program?

A4: No. They are two separate programs.


Q5: What if I have questions you haven’t yet answered?

A5: Please send us an email to:

Also, please allow us up to 72 hours to respond, as we do have families, and we are sometimes away from the computer.

Our Refund Policy

Once you have made your purchase, please send us an email at so we can make sure your membership is properly set up.

Our membership software does not always work as intended, so we manually verify all transactions to make sure everyone who makes a purchase gets the access they were promised.

We do offer several subscription options from which you can choose.

You may contact us at any time to stop future subscription payments. We do ask that you give us 24-72 hours advanced notice to cancel your subscription re-bill agreement, ahead of the scheduled re-bill date.

There will be NO REFUNDS with this program, unless you contact us ahead of a scheduled re-bill date and we fail to cancel your agreement prior to the re-bill transaction.

When you contact us by email at, please allow us up to 72 hours to respond, as we do sometimes have lives away from our computers.

Both Bill Platt & Di Heuser have families, and both do have school-aged children at home.

Here Is How To Get Started

Below, you will see three purchase options.

All three options provide access to the same program, but each option provides a different subscription length.


Billed Once
Every Month
Book-A-Day System ELITE Coaching, Monthly Subscription

Billed Once
Every 12 Months
Book-A-Day System ELITE Coaching, 1yr Subscription

Billed Once
Every 36 Months
Book-A-Day System ELITE Coaching, 3yr Subscription


p.s. If you have questions that we did not answer to your satisfaction, please send us an email at:

Please allow us up to 72 hours to respond, as we do have families, and we are sometimes away from the computer.



Bill Platt

Di Heuser